Sunday, January 28, 2007

Take Advice From Jen Hubley

I have a good friend named Jen Hubley.
(say her name aloud, "HUB-Lee!", it's fun)

She is human, and not all knowing, but has some pretty good advice.

She's the first one to tell me, "Sue, you're being totally crazy pants about this."
When I am being a crazy pants about something.

She is also a woman who successfully took a dating siesta.

And for that she became an inspiration...

Last night as I sat writing my set at the Laugh Lounge
I looked up and smiled at the guy sitting near me.
"Are you flirting with me?" he asked.

"No," I answered, taken a little aback.

"Why not? Are you into girls?" he said indignantly*.

and then I just blurted it out, "No, I love men. I'm just on a dating siesta."

And that is the story of how Sue Funke started her dating siesta.

*To further clarify, I wouldn't date this guy with or without the dating siesta. I mean the ego on this one is writing checks his personality can't even cash.

1 comment:

madcat said...

dating siesta -- TM MAD!-- will change your LIFE. good luck & have fun!