Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Simpsons Movie - It Doesn't Suck!!

The Simpsons movie is very well hyped. (Teetering on overboard)
But I made sure not to see a trailer, read a review, or go to the Kwik-e-Mart.

See, I am a Simpsons fanatic.
I've played and won Simpsons Jeopardy.
I still watch The Simpsons every Sunday at 8 - and I love it.

I am dorkily proud to be friends with some of the biggest Simpsons fans.

So, it's no surprise that I was anxious for the movie.
I've loved the Simpsons for so long,
and this movie is something I've always wanted to see.

But when I got into my seat on Friday at the Regal in Union Square
I was giddy nervous.
my palms were sweaty
in fact I was drenched in sweat,
because the air conditioning was broken.

Is this going to be worth $11? Home isn't air conditioned either, but at least there aren't a hundred other people at home. Is this an omen?

No! I was surrounded by friends and fellow dorks, and we had waited too long to care.
So, I hiked up my skirt for ventilation
(it was a very long skirt)
and sat like a little girl waiting for mint jelly to be served
(Was I the only kid who loved mint jelly more than ice cream, soda, or pizza?)

(photo taken of the Funke-Simpson clan before the movie by Will Herwig's iPhone)

And then the 20th Century Fox clip rolled,
that made me let out a laugh of relief, joy, and enthralled amusement.

And I didn't stop smiling, laughing, or enjoying myself
throughout the entire movie.
In fact,
an hour after the movie I sat looking at my friends over beers
and I noticed we were all still smiling.

It was a wonderful movie.
I'll tell you nothing about it because
I highly recommend seeing it for yourself.

1 comment:

Greg Tito said...

good to hear. I was expecting it to suck balls. Now I have confidence in humanity again.